How the prior price is calculated

Let's take a couple of examples for how the prior price will be calculated


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In a nutshell the Omnibus price requires you to show your lowest price in the past 30 days as a comparison price whenever you have a product on discount.

Our Omnibus Price On Autopilot helps you with this in a fully automated way. The way this is possible is that anytime you adjust your prices on a product we process and store that information in our price history database.

Let's go through some common scenarios to better understand how the app helps you stay compliant with the directive.

Scenario #1 - setting a product on sale by adjusting the compare at price

Let's say that you product is called: "Awesome fish toy for your cat" with the initial price of 100SEK

you then set the compare at price to 100 and the price to 80. You run this sale for a week and after the sale has ended you set the price back to 100 and remove the compare at price.

3 weeks after your last sale you decide to put the product on sale again.

You enter the new price at 90SEK and the compare at price to 100SEK

The app notices that you have entered a non-compliant prior price (90, but the lowest price in 30-days was 80). The following happens

- The compare at price is automatically adjusted to 80SEK

- A compliance event is registered in the app admin dashboard

- Your product is no longer listed as on sale in the storefront because the compare at price is lower than the price (compare at: 80, price: 90).

This means your desired sale did not happen because it was in violation with the EU price indication directive. To fix this you need to reduce your price so that its lower thant the 30 day prior price.

Scenario #2 - successive price reduction on a product

In case of successive price reductions over a specific period, then the previous price refers to the one in effect before the first reduction.

So in this case if you set your "Salmon Cat Treats" product on sale. Price: 10, compare at: 15.
Then you lower then price further by setting a new price: 9, then compare at price will remain at 15.

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